Rafi Műnz | Art & Nonsense | Oil paintings | On canvas, 130 by 97cm, unless otherwise stated
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Banana donkey 210 x137cm
The big ape 420 by 210cm
enWHYron-mental (Coexistence in Wadi Ara)
Noel - my Christmas shoe
Sorry, I cannot remember your name - Oil on wood, 49 by 28cm
Living room
Hajj painting - oil on wood, 103 by 60cm
Red and blue
Watch your steps
Gates to Heaven - oil on wood, 77 x 41cm
Hoopoe - oil on board, 68 x 45cm
Objects in space - 55 x 46cm
Jacob's dream - 92 x 73cm
Oscillating between two Zodiacs
Stick together
Sand bird
Archaic war
Night in Casablanca
Ene Mene Muh - oil on wood 85 x 46cm
Late summer fields - 73 by 46cm