Rafi Műnz - Food for Thought
Connecting to Chinese Metaphysics and a practical Way of Life



Food for Thought

Feng Shui



the soul page
Worthy Connections

Triagram 6 Triagram 7 Triagram 2 Triagram 9 Triagram 4 Triagram 1 Triagram 8 Triagram 3 5, the Center
Refael Ziv Műnz
Food for Thought

Way of life & Art of placement
Do you fancy writing?
Or just call:

Dear English reader,
If you do read Hebrew
I would like to suggest
that you make the effort &
read also the Hebrew text
on this site.
This is not for reasons of discrimination…
A lot of effort has also been put into the English version but
alas, the two books that I published have not been translated (yet)
and you might find it amusing to browse the contents of
Lessons in understanding the present” (second name: “All is connected”)
that appears in the Hebrew part of this site, as well as
enjoying some recipes (and the illustrations!)
in "Sip a soup - Food for body & soul and to takeaway".
Both of the books appeared in my own edition "Food for Thought".

The purpose of this site
You might be interested in one or more subjects discussed here
& would like to ask me for more details. Please use the Email link or telephone.
Personal attention will be offered to your queries, doubts, suggestions and whatever.

owing through life

with health and joy
is the main goal
I find worthwhile

A legend has it that King Wen saw a turtle whilst
 pondering about life on the banks of old river Lo.
On the turtle’s back, the Chinese king saw the 8 Trigrams
that form the basis to the “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”).
According to traditional Chinese culture this book enables
to define and analyze any given or imaginary situation
and provides counseling on how to improve one’s condition.

I drew my own version of this turtle.
Please click the large turtle’s sections at the top
of this page to view the icons and names of the Trigrams.

I chose the turtle as my emblem, not only because of the
historical connotation, but also because I believe
in things developing slowly & organically.
What’s more, “Carrying my Home with me” – as does the turtle – is
in my opinion the essence of the insight and the benefit
 we can get when adopting Feng Shui as a way of life.




When “lying down”, the number 8
symbolizes infinity and the law
of the ever changing Universe.
This symbol also implies
Eternal movement and the cycles of nature and human life.
The endless repetition of all phenomena in nature
is considered by the more insightful teachings; they always detect
Unity and the connection between everything that happens in the universe.

This conception lies in the 'soul'
of the various teachings related to
Cosmology & Chinese Metaphysics.
Some of these are: The understanding of the
Yin and Yang principle, the 5 Transformations,
Traditional Chinese Medicine, The 9-Star KI
and the Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology systems,
The I Ching ("the Book of Changes") and the
different branches of Classical Feng Shui.


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