רפי מינץ |
My little musing about art Art is not deposited in the hands of "authorized" artists only. The different arts are nothing but tools for personal expression for their creators; employing them for financial aims does not necessarily have much to do with professional or artistic criteria. Man's desperate question “who is listening to me?” is a quotidian phenomenon, true for every field in life, alas more emphasized in the art scene. There is not much connection between acting well/beautifully/correctly and being rewarded/credited/famous for those actions. This site includes some of my fooling around with form and color, that serve most of the time as a satisfying way to maintain joy and youth. Every folly, even an "unrewarded" one, is valid and does the job. |
הגיגיי הקטנים
בענייני אמנות באתר זה מספר שעשועים של צורה וצבע, המשמשים אותי רוב הזמן כדרך מהנה לתחזוק שמחה ונעורים; כל "שטות", גם אם אין עימה שכר, תקֵפה ועושה את העבודה. |
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